Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The future begins

So I swiped this subject line from the up and coming Star Trek movie.

What a crazy ride for all of us - but as we saw state after state vote in our new president, the change America wanted - needed - became real. And for the first time ever did a president-elect acknowledge the gay citizens of this country as of the same value as everyone else.

Yes, the Mormon-influenced efforts to defeat prop 8 won the battle, but not the war. Because now, the fight goes national. The rein of the Christian right is crumbling and with new, fresh change in DC - in all branches of government - will equality for all be recognized. Indeed, this is happening in our lifetime.

The Mormons should have left California alone because with a national fight, whether it's at the Supreme Court or the addition of "sexual orientation" to the national anti-discrimination law, they will see same-sex marriage and equality within sight of their temples and churches in all 50 states. Perhaps gay couples holding legal marriage certificates marching down the streets of Salt Lake City wasn't what they had in mind, but that is what they will get.

I am sad my immediate gratification for a legitimate and legal recognition for my relationship won't happen today. But I am encouraged that the future for all Americans - not just Californians - to see equal status is within reach.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why did you stop writing on here? You were fast becoming one of my favourite new bloggers.

