Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Girl, Interrupted

Turn up the sound. This is way cool.

More musings from Palin

Watch CBS Videos Online

Now I know why the McCain camp is keeping her away from the press. She just rambles nonsense.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Fey as Palin 2.0

In case you missed it last Saturday night. Honestly I do not know how Tina and Amy get through the skit without cracking-up.

Master Obama

As seen on the streets at the Folsom Street Fair yesterday. I am not sure if this is Shepherd Fairey's work, but it's pretty damn cool nonetheless.

Folsom Street Fair

Yesterday was the Folsom Street Fair - part fetish, part Renaissance. Sam was working so I attended solo - but I was hardly alone. There were about 399,999 other people, including a handful I knew: Dave and Eric, Ken and Nick, Donovan, Steve Macissac, Bart and the rest of the naked drawing crew, Master Noah, Jeff and Zeke, Charlie and Jason, Kirk, and Thomas in his opaque wrestling singlet. I had a good time - it would have been a great time if Sam wasn't laboring up and down the coast.

After the Fair, I headed to the Lonestar with Donovan, Jeff and Zeke and there, saw Paul, Gabriel, FTP and about 1,000 other shirtless bears. By then though my gay tank was running on empty and I called it a day.

My Folsom pics are here. As with all things Folsom, use your discretion - may not be entirely work-safe.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Political test

No surprise here.

You are a

Social Liberal
(70% permissive)

and an...

Economic Liberal
(38% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on OkCupid.com: Free Online Dating
Also : The OkCupid Dating Persona Test

It's been a long week

Thank God it's Friday.

I don't know about the rest of you, but this past week, the first week of autumn 2009, was a long and intense one. I started the week on a 6:00AM flight Monday morning for a work trip to Indiana. Getting on a 6:00AM flight on a Monday is borderline criminal - and suffice to say I was loopy by the time I reached my final destination. The next three days were non-stop meetings, meetings and more meetings. All of this cumulated to a mega-merger by the end of the week which will, in the long run, be good for me, my team and my employer - but at the expense of more work. It's good - but as for today, I am glad it's the weekend.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

I heart Heart

I love this. And you probably will too.

Ann and Nancy Wilson, the sisters from the group Heart, have sent a letter to the John McCain camp about his usage of their hit "Barracuda" in his promotion of his running mate.

It's quite self-explanatory. I have nothing else to add.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Magical Thinking

According to this video, Jesus has imprinted his image.....on the ceiling of a woman's workout facility. Watch as the chubstas do their leg presses while a vague Lord looks lovingly down on their dimpled legs and multiple chins.


This clip demonstrates that Americans find such events as newsworthy - and we all know there will be a population of those who actually believe that the Jesus himself pressed his face on that ceiling in giving us some sort of divine sign of.....of.....some sign to....to... fat ladies?

We like to think our ourselves, the American collective, as a higher thinking group, with that cowboy swagger as if to say we know all the answers and if we don't, well golly, listen to us anyway cuz we're God-fearin', carb-eatin' Americans. Don't get me wrong, I am proud to be an American embracing my freedoms and exercising my rights to critical thinking and expression. But there is a growing segment of the populace who goes apeshit when Mary, Jesus (but how come we never see Joseph?) smudge their likeness on ceilings, dry wall and grilled-cheese sandwiches. Why is that? People want the miracles of science to give us heart pills and Tang and the internets but still put one leg in the superstitious as if truth and fact were determined by the same process as delusions of faith.

It's just a watermark created by the rain, folks.

Now I ask you, if the divine was all knowing as Sunday Skool teaches us, then why doesn't Jesus appear at MIT, Stanford or Harvard instead of the trailers, Wal Marts and Curves' that are reported?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Seasons change

Anybody else noticing the days are getting shorter?

I woke up at my usual 5:45AM today and it was dark as dark gets outside. Naturally the nights have been progressively longer since we passed the solstice, but it didn't resonate with me until this morning. I actually had to put on a sweatshirt and switch on the heater today as I bumbled thru the kitchen to fire up the java and start my work day.

Fall is in the air. Not that we had much of a warm summer, but clearly the autumnal train has left the station. Two weeks from today we will be in October. Personally autumn is my favorite time of year - I love the sunnier but cool days and crisp nights. October is my favorite month too - karma (or is it Jesus?) usually heaves change into my lap during October. Not that change is always easy to deal with, but I have learned to adapt. Even so, I love the vibe from October. After Halloween, I usually hide out until after the holidays, my least favorite time of year.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

London pics

Are here. I know you wish you were with us.

Tina Fey does Sarah Palin

Tina brings it as Gov. Palin. Amy Poehler is hysterical as Hillary.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Goodbye, London

Well our London trip is over. We had an amazing time, met some cool blokes, did some shopping - correction - did a lot of shopping, walked until our feet liquified, and now after the transatlantic flight back to the states, we are waiting for the final leg from Boston to San Francisco. Even though we got first class across the pond, we are tired and ready to come home.

It was an amazing trip with my amazing boyfriend whom I fell in love with all over again. Indeed we passed that crucial traveling together test. No arguments, lost tempers and fussiness (which is usually me when I don't eat) was kept at a minimum. I am already looking forward to our next trip.

Once I am home I'll post more pics.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Sticky and Sweet and 93,000 people

Day #2 in London wrapped up with Madonna at Wembley Arena. An impressive building built to hold over 100,000 people - mosty men given the fact there are virtually no W/C for women and rows of troughs to piss in. Even with the stage set-up on one side, there were 93,000 people there to see Madge. Our seats were not very close (the pic above? 10X zoom) and the sound did not match the screens or the stage - clearly the speed of sound let us down. From what we can tell, it was a great show.

She started with some numbers from her current album, Hard Candy, which isn't one of my favorites. But as the show went on, the concert took into its own. She hit my favorites, including Ray of Light (above) and Hung Up and sensing she was wrapping up, we left....along with a few thousand others. Word has it once she finished her finale apparently way past the neighborhood curfew, people queued for two hours to get on the tube back into the center of town.

Overall, a great experience - but we were too far away to get the most of it. Either way, we can say we saw Madonna at Wembley. Next time, we'll go for a game and pack it in with 99,998 screaming drunk sports fans, giving "sticky and "sweet" a whole new meaning. Booyah.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

London, day #1

Well, we wrapped up day #1 of our trip to London - on Sam's 29th birthday no less. So far it's been an exciting and awesome trip.

First we were able to fly in first class (thanks David!) to Heathrow. And the hotel, the Hilton Waldorf (thanks hotel points) is in the center of the mix - within walking to Covent Garden, Leicester Square and Piccadilly Circus. We celebrated Sam's birthday by shopping at Fred Perry, Harrod's and Ted Baker. Way gay, right!

Tonight we wandered around Soho and mingled at Compton's, on Old Compton Road.

Tomorrow - the London Eye and we'll be even gayer by seeing Madonna at Wembley.

Having fun! I know you wish you were with us!

Monday, September 8, 2008

In the beginning...or is it the end?

If you marvel at science - given you believe such things like facts undeniably proven through the scientific method and other valuable metrics (unlike this bitch), then there is something utterly amazing about to take place.

The world's largest particle accelerator located underground between Switzerland and France, is being switched on this week - September 10th to be exact. The Large Hadron Collider will examine the way the universe works by colliding particles which will recreate conditions a millionth of second after big bang. That is, if you believe in big bang.

So what if? What if science proves with fact that big bang was big bang and that the universe wasn't Play-Doughed into existence by Yahweh?

This demonstration also can create evidence of multiple dimensions and reveal theoretical particles that could explain why mass is mass. Again what if? How does Genesis fit in to all this? Clearly science has prompted church elders to re-examine their theology (remember Galileo?). But here we sit on the ledge about ready to look the divine in the face and realize it's all a twisted orgy of mass and energy. Is there a way to reconcile the two? Can faith and fact coexist? We live in fantastical times as science and discovery is moving us forward at supersonic speeds. The non-believers need to keep up.

On the flip side, the accelerator could also create a black hole, which according to some, could suck in the planet. If it happened on day 2, Sept. 11th, that would be poetic - not that any of us would be around to notice the irony.


Tonight Sam and I go on holiday. We'll be redeyeing to the East Coast and then to London. Fuckin' A.

It's been a long time since I have travelled intercontinental. The last time was in 2005 with David to Peru. That was an awesome trip but tonight will be Sam and I's first international wandering together. And even though the trip will be a short one - we are back on Saturday - we'll have plenty of fun.

On the agenda - we'll not only try and spot the queen above, but also this queen when we see her perform at Wembley Stadium. She will probably be extra-British that night. Aside from that, I'll be dragging Sam all over town - Earl's Court, the London Eye, the Tower of London, Harrod's, Soho, Covent Garden....

Any suggestions?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Nine Inch Nails

Last night was Nine Inch Nails at the Oracle Arena in Oakland. The show was fucking amazing. Let me say that again - fucking amazing. So much better than any concert I have ever been to. Even way better than Celine Dion - A New Day.

Opening act was Deerhunter, a waify emo-ish band who was lost on the large stage which was shrouded by black cloth during their set. They were ok I suppose, but were about to be forgotten when Trent and crew took the stage. From the first downbeat to the last note the show was non-stop, mind boggling music without a break. The perfectly mixed music with stunning visuals (I can't even being to describe the light effects) made this am amazing experience. A sweaty, buff Trent Reznor and his band of magicians delivered an awesome show.

They are coming back Dec. 12 to Sacramento.

My pics are here.

Monday, September 1, 2008


I love three day weekends. The intent is to rest up. The reality is - it never happens.

This weekend was a busy one too. Friday I checked out lofts and went to the City with David. Saturday I played tour-guide with my 20 year old nephew in town on a north-south road trip. We did Pier 39, the Golden Gate Bridge, and after getting Sam, we ended up watching Pineapple Express. Hysterical.

Sunday was the Hairrison Street Fair - a day of mingling with our friends and making new ones.

Today was the official day off. We attempted Grey Whale Cove but high tide blocked access to the clothing optional side of the beach. Tonight I am resting up for the week ahead - have a business trip. Next week- London.