Monday, October 20, 2008

This one is for you, Joyce...

One of my dearest friends lost her mother unexpectedly last week. Joyce Hodges Fielder died last Wednesday after experiencing a stroke. At that moment, a vacuum sucked some of the joy out of the world as clearly one of the largest personalities I have ever met was gone.

Joyce was one of those people who didn't just step, or even waltz, into your life. No. She came tearing in, with cigarette in hand, like a hyperactive dog who tears around you when you come home after a long vacation. The pic above is from my 40th birthday party where Miss Joyce made her way from lap to lap of all the gay men and even flirted with lesbianism before the night was over. Every one she touched somehow found themselves laughing with her about everything. I'm gonna miss you Joyce.

So as I thought about Joyce over the past few days, my thoughts turned to the finale of one of the finest television shows ever written - Six Feet Under. For those of you who were fans of the show, you remember the incredible last 6 minutes of the series. It was the perfect ending to the perfect story - and somehow, in my mind, this is what Joyce's passing is reminding me of: we all die but it's what we do while we are here is what matters.

Here it is for you all:

Goodbye, Joyce.

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