Monday, September 8, 2008

In the beginning...or is it the end?

If you marvel at science - given you believe such things like facts undeniably proven through the scientific method and other valuable metrics (unlike this bitch), then there is something utterly amazing about to take place.

The world's largest particle accelerator located underground between Switzerland and France, is being switched on this week - September 10th to be exact. The Large Hadron Collider will examine the way the universe works by colliding particles which will recreate conditions a millionth of second after big bang. That is, if you believe in big bang.

So what if? What if science proves with fact that big bang was big bang and that the universe wasn't Play-Doughed into existence by Yahweh?

This demonstration also can create evidence of multiple dimensions and reveal theoretical particles that could explain why mass is mass. Again what if? How does Genesis fit in to all this? Clearly science has prompted church elders to re-examine their theology (remember Galileo?). But here we sit on the ledge about ready to look the divine in the face and realize it's all a twisted orgy of mass and energy. Is there a way to reconcile the two? Can faith and fact coexist? We live in fantastical times as science and discovery is moving us forward at supersonic speeds. The non-believers need to keep up.

On the flip side, the accelerator could also create a black hole, which according to some, could suck in the planet. If it happened on day 2, Sept. 11th, that would be poetic - not that any of us would be around to notice the irony.

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