Saturday, September 20, 2008

Magical Thinking

According to this video, Jesus has imprinted his image.....on the ceiling of a woman's workout facility. Watch as the chubstas do their leg presses while a vague Lord looks lovingly down on their dimpled legs and multiple chins.


This clip demonstrates that Americans find such events as newsworthy - and we all know there will be a population of those who actually believe that the Jesus himself pressed his face on that ceiling in giving us some sort of divine sign of.....of.....some sign fat ladies?

We like to think our ourselves, the American collective, as a higher thinking group, with that cowboy swagger as if to say we know all the answers and if we don't, well golly, listen to us anyway cuz we're God-fearin', carb-eatin' Americans. Don't get me wrong, I am proud to be an American embracing my freedoms and exercising my rights to critical thinking and expression. But there is a growing segment of the populace who goes apeshit when Mary, Jesus (but how come we never see Joseph?) smudge their likeness on ceilings, dry wall and grilled-cheese sandwiches. Why is that? People want the miracles of science to give us heart pills and Tang and the internets but still put one leg in the superstitious as if truth and fact were determined by the same process as delusions of faith.

It's just a watermark created by the rain, folks.

Now I ask you, if the divine was all knowing as Sunday Skool teaches us, then why doesn't Jesus appear at MIT, Stanford or Harvard instead of the trailers, Wal Marts and Curves' that are reported?

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