Saturday, July 26, 2008

Doin' a 180

180 days.  Today Sam and I mark our 6th month anniversary.  Damn, what a great ride.

We met as most boy-boys do these days - via the interweb machine.  Using it's mystical, magickal ways of connecting people, we started chatting on-line and decided to meet in person at gentleman's establishment of socializing and spirits.  We've been virtually inseparable ever since. And I must say, it's a blast.

In the past six months we have done a crazy amount of stuff together - day trips to Marin, Santa Cruz, Fairfield; weekend trips to Gureneville, Boonville, Monterey; concerts of Limbeck and Jimmy Eat World (twice!); the comedic acts of Chelsea Handler, Nick Swardson (complete with an encounter with Kato Kaelin, which is a whole other story in of itself); in addition to dinners with friends, a wedding, movies, and plenty of trips to McDonald's and Wendy's.   We ain't slowing down either with more concerts, performances and trips in the next few months.  Life is good.

Six months isn't a long time, but the personal growth I have experienced from meeting Sam has been intense. I have found myself to be a more trusting, better man through this and look forward to my personal evolution in the times ahead.  Isn't that the best thing about finding someone?  How they make you feel and grow about yourself?  In the end, the best way relationships flourish is when each member of the unit finds personal growth within themselves and can do this with their chosen hand-in-hand along the rocky road of life.  

My hand is in Sam's.

Happy anniversary Scampers. I love you.

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