Sunday, July 27, 2008

My friend Lisa

This morning before I suited up for the Dore Alley Street Fair in San Francisco, I met one of my closest friends Lisa for breakfast.  I adore Lisa.  She is my fruit fly.

Lisa and I used to work for the same company in sales.  And we kicked ass.  We were a dynamic duo that pushed sales sky high and would often call on customers together.  At the time Lisa lived in California.  We were kind of inseparable - sort of like Will & Grace if Will was beefier and Grace was Korean.

But times change.

Lisa has a charming husband and two absolutely adorable little boys and they no longer live in California.  So it has been awhile since I had seen her last.  But this morning it was like we picked up where we left off.  In attendance was Lisa's youngest boy - a positively charming one year old with a single tooth and the hair of Maddox.  And Lisa and I chatted and giggled the way old, seasoned friends do.  She knows me too well and is often my voice of reason.  We all need friends like Lisa.  I am lucky.  I have one.

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