Saturday, August 9, 2008

Love him

Last night Sam and I saw Bill Maher at the Davies Symphony Hall. He was a riot, but not in that yuk-yuk kind of way. If you are unfamiliar with Bill's sense of humor, he is wicked smart with a commentary on politics and religion that makes us laugh at how fucked-up we are, and by we I mean us as an American culutre, not Sam and I. We're perfect.

Nothing sacred was out of bounds- from the current administration (what's not to laugh at?) to the pharmaceuticals to all the affairs politicians have (in and out of the men's rooms) to religion, which seems to be his biggest button and America's biggest fantasy.

Bill is one of the more outspoken pundits/comics today and thank God*.  If you recall, immediately after 09/11 Bill lost his job at ABC on his show Politically Incorrect for making the statement that the terrorists who crashed the airplanes were not cowards.  An accurate point, but the Mighty Mouse (owners of ABC) buckled under pressure and fired Bill.  They say getting fired is sometimes the best thing for your career.  Now Bill is on HBO hosting Real Time WIth Bill Maher, uncensored, and his popularity is probably higher than ever.

Love him, hate him, he's funny and makes you think.

*God= no offense to Allah, Yahweh, Odin, Oprah or Optimus Prime.  I have no idea if you are there. Its just an expression. Save your lightening bolts for Fred Phelps.

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