Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Church of Crazy

Isaac Hayes died this past weekend. My he rest in peace. But as a devoted Scientologist, he will do anything but rest in peace. According to an article in Slate, the Shaft singer's afterlife will require a trip to Venus for reprogramming. You see, we are't really people - we are thetans inhabiting a meat body which we shed upon death. Some individuals who strive for a higher achievement within the church belong to an order known as Sea Org, which requires a one billion year contract of service to be carried our through subsequent lives.

And you though Noah's Ark was a tall tale.

Want to learn more? Go to What is Scientology and see what it's all about.

What's even more crazy is that as I typed this on my Livejournal page, this banner ad appeared. Maybe L. Ron is trying to tell me something.

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